Ambassador Guo Haiyan attends the Nairobi Chinese New Year Gala
2025-01-20 03:50

On 19 January, 2025, Ambassador Guo Haiyan attended the 2ndNairobi Chinese New YearGala themed "Embracing the Chinese New Year" and "Chinese New Year,WeAre Together". Honorable Ms. Ummi Bashir, Principal Secretary in the State Department for Culture, the Arts & Heritage, attended the function as Guest of Honor. Associations of Chinese community, overseas Chinese enterprises, as well as nearly 10,000 visitors participated in the event.

AmbGuo congratulated the Nairobi Chinese New Year Gala on its success. Noting that the Spring Festival was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, and injects new vitality into the exchange and integration of global cultures, Amb Guopledged that China is willing to make the Spring Festival a culture bond to bridge Chinese wisdom to the worldand jointly promote the progress and development of human civilizationunder the framework of Global Civilization Initiative.

On behalf of the Kenyan government, Ms. Bashir warmly  greeted the Chinese community in Kenya for the Chinese New Year and expressed herfondnessof Chinese culture. She thanked the Gala for bringing joy to the Kenyan peopleand reassured support to further bilateral relations through culture exchanges and people to people communications.