First Prize of 2019 "China-Kenya Friendship" Photography Contest, "Chinese Martial Arts"
2019-09-27 20:02
Kevin Ochieng, self employed, Chinese Martial Arts
In the series is Gabriel Juma a sixteen year old teen in Kenya who fell in love with the Chinese films as he grew up watching his martial arts idol "Jackie Chan", he build up a perception that all Chinese men knew martial arts and were very equipped in combat sports. He folds his hands in a famous martial art style he calls "snake eyes" he bends his upper body like a cobra making it easier for him to pick a target and strike while in combat.
In the second photo, Gabriel Juma poses in a state of ultimate control and balance on one leg ,hence the name "GURU".
In the third photo, Gabriel Juma practise the famous style in most of the movies he has been watching over the years it is called the "eagles claw". he streamlines his body like an eagle and creates a claw to the inside of his palon. This style is famous for a quick hard strikes for closerd and bigger target than him.